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Gadget & IT Support

1st Tuesday of Month: 10:30am - 12pm

Our Digital Support team can help build your skills, solve simple problems, get you online safely and keep you connected. If you need help with your mobile phone, computer or tablet, our volunteers can support you.


Book Your Space at:-


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Kids & Caffeine Parties

Looking for something different for your child's birthday party?


Why not entertain them with our fantastic selection of toys!


We offer three packages for you to exclusively book the hall to hold your own Kids & Caffeine party.


To book a party, please contact our volunteers at

You can view hall availability here: Tadmarton Village Hall Bookings


Saturday 7th December


Swalcliffe Church

12 noon to 3:30pm


Swalcliffe is holding its popular Christmas Markt again with a great variety of local traders and artists to help you get ready for this year's festivities


Line Dancing

Monday evenings 7pm to 8pm


No experience necessary , but a good sense of humour does help
The group is run by seasoned  amateur Gwen Phipps and her apprentice Mery Wolke
PAYG £2.50 suggested donation per person to the 
Village Hall
(Age 16 and over welcome).

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Kids and Caffeine

Most Saturdays  (10am - 12 noon)

See FB and Instagram for dates and special events.  Amazing selection of toys for children aged 0-8 years, but all ages welcome 


£2.50 per child, £6 per family (3 or more children) 


Booking Essential:-

Photo of a Luch

Seniors Lunch Club

The Luncheon Club takes place at the Village hall on the 4th Friday of each month (excluding December) 


Any (new) Seniors living in Tadmarton or Swalcliffe are very welcome to join us (£7 for two course Lunch with Coffee & 5* food inspection rating)


The lunch is open to members only, to book your place for the next event or to find out more about becoming a member please contact Shirley on 01295 780 596 or email:


Taddy Film Club

Films show Monthly (£3.50 or £32/year)

Saturday 22nd February       (7:00pm)

Wednesday 26th February   (1:30pm)



As the United States raced against Russia to put a man in space, NASA found untapped talent in a group of female African-American mathematicians that served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in U.S. history.​

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Craft In Company

Come and join us for our monthly meet up on 2nd Sunday of each Month (1:30pm - 4:30pm).


Help and advice available to help you with your own sewing, knitting or crochet project.  All welcome, beginners to advanced.


For more information, please contact

Susan (07977567570)



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This bi-monthly magazine will keep you up-to-date with all news and events taking place in TADMARTON & SWALCLIFFE


GREAT NEWS:  The Link has been saved due to the very kind offer from a Swalcliffe resident (Karen Riordan) who will be the new editor.  The first Issue will be for February/March 2025.  SO KEEP SENDING YOUR ARTICLES IN!

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Parish Council

Read the Minutes from the last meeting or check out the Agenda for the next meeting.


Your Councillors are:

  Tim Turner (Chair)

  Jane Fitzpatrick

  Paul Higley

  Paul Doust

  Christine Coles (Parish Clerk)

Coffee Mornings

Every TUESDAY in Village Hall

10:30am to 12:00 noon


Every 2nd Saturday in Lampet Arms


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Local Walks

The Tadmarton Village Hall Committee have organised several local circular walks starting from the hall.


These Walks have now been uploaded to the Website and may be of interest to those unfamiliar with the area.



Man with Guitar Walking in a Fields

Folk Dancing

Live Music - Come and join us, everyone welcome.


Every Tuesday 7:45pm - 9:45pm


£4 per week or £30 for the whole term


Pilates Stretches


With Instructor DEBBIE MILLS 10am to 11am Wednesdays.


£54 for SIX Weekly Classes

(Drop in Sessions available at £10)


To book place, please contact Jane at 07711 794133

1st Bloxham Boys' Brigade

Bloxham Boys' Brigade provides a range of challenging and rewarding activities for boys and young men aged 5 to 18.



Telephone: 01295 722312



250 CLUB

THANK YOU & Good Luck


ALL Tickets have now been sold for 2024.


Funny Bubble Shaped Man

Flooding Risk?

According to the Environment Agency, over five million people in England live and work in properties at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea, whilst more face flood threats from groundwater, surface water, sewers, and reservoirs.  Gocompare  have put together a guide to preparing for a flood and protecting your property - 

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St. Nicholas


3rd 10:30 B. Eucharist at Swalcliffe (ES)

10th 10:55 Remembrance Service (DP)

17th 11am Holy Communion (ES)

24th 11am Village Service (JT)


Refer to Wykeham Benefice Webpage


Sundays (ZOOM)  at 11.00am  from Tadmarton:-

            Meeting ID: 851 3086 9357

            Passcode: 305275


Tuesdays in Tadmarton Church @10:00


Rector: The Rev'd Emily Robottom-Scott
The Rev’d John Tattersall (JT) Tel: 01295 780283

The Rev'd Glyn Evans (GE)

The Rev'd David Pym (DP)

The Rev'd Brian Fairbank (BF)

Swalcliffe & Tadmarton Horticultural Society

A range of meetings and events will be held by the Horticultural Society throughout 2024


If you would like to join the society or find out more information please contact:


Chairman - Lindsey Smith 780698   


The society now has its own website at where you will find up-to-date information about the society including: History; Events; Show Schedules; Trips etc

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Parish Council

The ACCOUNTS for 2023/2024 have now been published.


Please visit the FINANCIAL INFORMATION Page under the PARISH COUNCIL Tab (or click below)

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© 2024 by Tadmarton Parish Council. Created by Stephen Yeomans.

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