Tadmarton Village Fete - The Results!
After yet another fantastic village fete a big thank you goes out to all those who gave their time to make the fete a great success and also to those who turned out on a loverly summers day to support the village.
To find out more about what went on at the fete please make sure to read the October Link.
Aunt Sally £65.20
Books £71.20
Bottle Tombola £150.00
Bric-a-Brac £225.80
Cakes £325.60
Coconut Shy £83.08
Dog Show £18.00
Golf £40.50
Ice Cream £41.00
Pick-a-Peg £53.17
Children's Tombola £142.78
Plants £116.80
Skittles/Bowling £26.00
Splat the Rat £19.20
Crockery Throwing £70.80
Teas £261.95
Frogs/Horseshoes £34.90
Toys £123.90
Guess the Name £32.50
Donations Bouncy Castle £20.00
Raffle £332.90
Angela Jewellery £6.00
Lampet £40.00
Paul's Cards £10.00
Bucket/Villagers £60.76
Total £2279.59